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4 Tips for Preparing Your Home for Summer

Summer sun illustrationI can’t believe that summer is on the horizon already. It’s my favorite time of year; filled with fresh air, sunshine and breezy relaxation. Before it hits full force (and I’ve heard this year is sure to be a hot one), I want to offer a few tips for preparing your home for summer so that you can enjoy the season even more.

  1. Change your air AND refrigerator filters. They do actually work more efficiently when changed out regularly, and there’s no better time than the start of summer to make sure your air and refrigerator filters are clean.
  2. Clean your carpets. “Research indicates that your carpet probably contains about 200,000 bacteria per square inch, making it 4,000 times dirtier than your toilet seat,” said Men’s Health. “The average person sheds about 1.5 million skin cells every hour; these skin cells hit the rug and serve as food for germs. Add in food particles, pollen, and pet dander, and you have a gratis buffet.” A regular vacuum cleaner might not be able to reach deep down to grab all of those germs, but a professional carpet cleaner will.
  3. Plant a vegetable garden. Summer is the perfect time to start eating better. Give yourself an edge with an yummy vegetablesat-home vegetable garden. Veggies that can be planted in early spring include spinach, kale, radishes, broccoli, and peas. Get a complete how-to for planting your first garden here.
  4. Think solar screens. “Solar Screens are the most effective window treatments that you can apply to your home for lowering energy bills by stopping the heat transfer through your windows and doors while still maintaining your view,” said Lone Star Solar Screens.

Read Reality TimesThe 13 Things You Need To Do To Your Home Before Summer” to learn more. Meantime, to sell your home or find out about homes for sale in Santa Barbara, Hope Ranch, Montecito and the other surrounding upscale communities, just give me a call at 805.886.9378 or email me at With more than 25 years in the industry, I have the experience and knowledge to guide you in the right direction!

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