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Contact Cristal Clarke

Here is where your contact with Cristal Clarke begins. The form on the right makes it easy and straightforward. If you’re not a fan of forms, however, just give Cristal a call or drop her an email.

Cristal firmly believes your real estate professional should put your needs goals and objectives at the forefront of your working relationship – beginning with the initial communication. After all, her stellar reputation is based on that, as well as on her discretion, real estate expertise, and nearly 3 decades of success representing the most discerning clientele and most distinctive homes. So, if you’re considering purchasing or selling a home in Santa Barbara or one of its luxury enclaves — Montecito or Hope Ranch – or its neighbors — Summerland or Carpinteria — contact Cristal with any questions or concerns.

Get in Touch

The form contains the usual fields. Some are necessary. Some are optional. Feel free to submit only the information you’re comfortable with. You will be glad you contacted Cristal Clarke today.

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Cristal Clarke

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