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What is Santa Barbara Doing About Climate Change?

Close-up of a person's hands examining a globe with a stethoscope to show climate changeIn light of the fact that there’s scientific consensus worldwide about the issue of climate change, Santa Barbara has created its own action plan through 2030. Most of us acknowledge by now that accelerated global climate change is occurring as a result of increasing amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that are emitted from human activities such as combustion of fossil fuels for electric generation and transportation fuel. Individuals, groups, businesses, industries, and agencies in the Santa Barbara community and around the world are working to identify and implement measures that can reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases contributing cumulatively to the problem.

The Santa Barbara Climate Action Plan evaluates estimated emissions from travel fuels and building utilities and forecasts future emissions generation. It includes strategies for reducing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency and “green” building designs and products, use of renewable sources of energy, reduction of vehicle trips and mileage, vegetation to sequester carbon, reduction of solid waste, and water conservation. These strategies meet and surpass State emissions targets for overall levels in the year 2020, and vehicle-related emissions in 2020 and beyond.

Even with carbon reduction efforts, scientists warn that the expected and experienced destabilized climate issues will continue to have serious effects around the world in the coming decades. Some of the likely future changes are warmer and drier weather, more extreme weather events (e.g., winds, storms, flooding, heat waves, droughts, fires), coastal erosion, inundation, and storm flooding from sea level rise, less snowpack, and water supply, increased air and water pollution, changes in disease and pest transmission, geographic shifts of wildlife and plant species, changes to agriculture and food availability, increased energy demand, and effects on local economies (e.g., fisheries, tourism, recreation). The Climate Plan provides an overall assessment of Santa Barbara vulnerability to such climate.

Santa Barbara’s Climate Change Action Plan is just one example of how our fine city springs into action on a number of global issues. If you are considering moving to Montecito, Hope Ranch or any of Santa Barbara’s upscale communities to be a part of the solution, I’m here to help. Please take a look at my comprehensive website then call me at 805.886.9378 or email me at If we all work together, we can do our part to combat climate change on a community level.

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