The 76-acre complex was purchased at auction by Vicino. Inside, there’s enough room for several families, each receiving their own private 2,500 square feet of floor area, capable of two-story improvements for a total of 5,000 square feet of private living quarters.
The hardened facility is capable of withstanding a substantial close range nuclear blast, a direct airplane crash, biological and chemical agents, shock waves, earthquakes, tsunami, electromagnetic pulses, and virtually any armed attack.
Featuring more than 227,904 square feet of secured, blast-proof living areas, and, an additional 43,906 square feet of above-ground office and warehouse buildings, the complex even includes a train servicing depot. Collectively there are more than 3.1 miles of continuous tunnel chambers, equivalent to 71 Boeing 747 fuselages stretched end to end. All shelter areas are located behind three separate nuclear blast and radiation proof vehicle entrances and a number of other passages for access by people only.
Each of the three main tunnel entrances includes an outer security door system, followed by a 40-ton hydraulic truck access door with hardened steel rods which expand into the surrounding encasement, and a second set of massive steel doors providing an airtight seal shut, protecting against chemical, biological and gas intrusion. The underground main traffic corridors are large enough to allow mechanical transportation of heavy equipment to almost any point within the complex.
After you have purchased your own billionaire bunker and doomsday escape, you might want to consider moving to the safe and beautiful upscale neighborhoods of Santa Barbara, Montecito or Hope Ranch. Please give me a call at 805.886.9378 or email me at and I would be happy to show you what’s on the market today. Meantime, check out my website for info on all the amazing, upscale properties currently on the market in these communities.