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Keep your office cool with this Futuristic French Desk

cool French deskIn a previous blog, I looked at “Extreme Sustainable Living in Austria” and today I am going to show you how to keep your office cool with a futuristic French desk. Leave it to the French to design a crucial piece of furniture so innovative that it can help regulate the temperature in a room. No air conditioning (or energy-use) involved.
Featured in Wired Magazine, the Z.E.F. (Zero-Energy Furniture) Table is a simple oak piece designed by Parisian designer Jean-Sébastien Lagrange and engineer Raphael Menard. It actually absorbs and emits heat like a thermal sponge.
“The idea was to see how we could create furniture that could work as a solution to climate change,” says Lagrange. He says the table idea is not a flash of inspiration, rather the ideas was born from a long-term collaboration between friends. And according to Menard, the technology behind it could make a striking impact on energy use: cutting air conditioning emissions that are harmful to the environment while cutting bills by 30 percent and heating costs by 60 percent.
UntitledThe table is made with a wax-like substance manufactured by DuPont that absorbs heat at 71.6 degrees Fahrenheit or above. Rows of corrugated, anodized aluminum, designed to increase airflow and heat exchange, are sandwiched between the oak tabletop
While the two designers plan on developing additional furniture pieces and lighting that utilize the same concept, Lagrange theorized that the material could be used in numerous settings, and could even be made into wall panels.
“This kind of concept could be very efficient in a home or hospital,” he says. “We’re trying to find out how we could make this kind of furniture for other contexts.”
Check out the company’s Tumblr page to find out more about this futuristic French desk that will keep your office cool. Meantime, to find out the best way to sell your existing home or find a new luxury abode in Santa Barbara, Hope Ranch, Montecito and the other surrounding upscale communities, just give me a call at 805.886.9378 or email me at With more than 25 years in the industry, I make sure all my real estate transactions cool and stress-free!

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