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Memorial Day & Military Housing

As Memorial Day approaches I thought it would be a good time to take a moment and thank all our Military Service men and women for all the sacrifices they and their families make on behalf of our Nation. Growing up as a Military kid and moving from base to base, Country to County, having to constantly make new friends at every location it is only in reflection that I see what hard choices my parents had with respects to choosing a place to live, who knows, may be this is why I became a Realtor. Today finding options is only a click away on the computer but then it was a matter of relying on local contacts and or information provided. There are a number of web sites that cater to relocating  Military families such as Automated Housing Referral Network (AHRN) which is administered and run by the Department of Defense and more locally a private group here in Ventura County, Lincoln Military Housing.
So remember, next time you are looking for a place to live be thankful for the choices you have for some others do not have the flexibility that we do. If you are interested in donating to any Military Charities, again there are numerous one to choose from but I would suggest the Armed Forces Foundation (AFF)  who help in keeping families solvent during difficult times.
Lets all hope that as the economy starts to recover, that the pain associated with home ownership in today’s word, is also not far behind in its easing and that families will be reunited so that all of us can start to enjoy the benefits of living in America once again.

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