This year’s El Nino may not have brought the record rains that were expected in Santa Barbara County, but experts say it is expected to wreak havoc with a huge surge in insects.
“When conditions are warm and wet, many pests begin to swarm in search of food, shelter, and mates,” said Dr. Bob Davis, Entomologist and a Scientist at BASF, the world’s largest chemical company. “Unfortunately, this search brings many of these pests inside, where they can create a nuisance and destroy property.”
Just how bad the pest problem will depend on several factors, including the region where you live. While the snow is a blessing to our drought-stricken state, it also sets the stage for heavier-than-normal pest infestations. We’re talking spiders, scorpions, beetles, and termites; all the pesky pests that flourish when the normally dry ground is flush with water.
One frequent menace in our area is the Western subterranean termite. This native pest can enter structures through tiny openings in concrete slabs, around drainpipes, and between the slab and a home’s foundation. Most swarming occurs in the spring, but additional swarms may occur throughout the summer and fall.
Wet conditions also have created a field day for ants, including the highly invasive Argentine ant, whose massive colonies can be found along the West Coast. Then there are the extremely resilient fire ants that have adapted so well, they can survive both floods and droughts. Fire ants are known to become ferocious if their nests are disturbed, and their painful bites and stings carry venom that can be medically hazardous to some individuals.
What’s a Santa Barbara homeowner to do? Check the Prime Buyer’s Report for the top 10 exterminators and pet control companies in Santa Barbara County. Those local companies bearing The Prime Buyer’s Report TOP 10 symbol have been verified by independent research to meet the TOP 10 requirements for ability and value, plus they carry liability insurance and hire only employees who are legal to work in the U.S.
Don’t let these the El Nino pesky pests keep you from selling your dream luxury estate in Montecito, Hope Ranch or any of Santa Barbara’s upscale communities. Most Santa Barbara pest control companies can easily put homeowners on a maintenance plan to keep these nasty creatures away, and some even use all green techniques that do not harm our precious environment.
Of course, when buying a new home, you will want to get a pest inspection first, and if you’re considering selling your home, you should think about doing that as well. By the way, sellers will also want to keep those pesky pests known as “lookie-loos” away. That’s one of the things I do best. Give me a call at 805.886.9378 or email me at