Courtesy of Virgin Hyperloop
This entirely new conceptual high-speed transportation system put forward by entrepreneur and Tesla founder Elon Musk, incorporates reduced-pressure tubes in which pressurized capsules ride on an air cushion driven by linear induction motors and air compressors. In other words, the Hyperloop would hypothetically shoot capsules of people through what are essentially giant pneumatic tubes.
It’s supposed to be “ultra-clean, ultra safe, affordable, intra-urban travel at super-high speed.” Hyperloop Tech’s team is the best of the best, custom built for its mission; a special group of hardware builders that push technologies to new heights and want to make the world cleaner and more efficient.
Since it was first unveiled back in 2013, there has been a tremendous amount of interest in the concept. In fact, a handful of private companies are behind the effort. Suprastudio, a master’s architecture and design studio at UCLA, and Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, (*not the Arts District startup as previously written, but a different company with the same name), have been working together to come up with a prototype. The students of Suprastudio have just released some of their research and proposals, with ideas for routes, station design, capsule design, and more.
Curbed LA has the full story and diagrams galore. Meantime, if you are ready to Hyperloop yourself into any of the upscale communities of Montecito, Hope Ranch or Santa Barbara, please call me at 805.886.9378 or email me at Cristal@montecito-estate.com. I am also here to help homeowners in these upscale communities sell their home using my strategic marketing strategy that will Hyperloop the entire process, making the transaction quick and ultra clean. Let’s get together and discuss your needs!